By God’s grace, we joyfully and successfully held the 7th Biennial Commencement of SEABC on December 19, 2015, at 10:00am – 12:00noon. 31 students were graduated. Over 400 people attended the Graduation and after the graduation we happily had special lunch together with all the guests, graduates, students and audience.
Guests, Faculty, Students, and Graduates of Southeast Asia Bible College:
Guests, faculty members, graduates and students of South East Asia Bible CollegeGuests, faculty members and the graduatesGuests and faculty members of South East Asia Bible CollegeKap, Rosie and family members
7th Biennial Commencement Ceremony at Southeast Asia Bible College
South East Asia Bible College Students’ ChoirWelcome and remarksMr. Nolan Dittmar doing the charge to the graduates
Mr. Brent Cooper praying for the graduatesMr. Joel Hernandez from the USA giving the commencement message
Congrats, graduates!!!
Thank you very much for your continued prayers and supports for the Bible College.
By God’s grace, because of your prayers and partnerships, the Bible College is going well.
Bible Training in Myitkyina:
By the grace of God, bro. Khup from Hebron Assembly and I (bro. Kap) were invited to teach and preach the Word of God at the Bible training held at Kachin Baptist Church (Muyin), Kyunpinthar Ward, Myitkyina from October 27th through November 1st, 2105. We wanted all the attendees to be sure of their salvation first. So, I (bro. Kap) taught the Gospel for the first two days. I asked the leaders to give a piece of paper to each attendee. Though there are many different kinds of beliefs, I wrote down five different kinds of beliefs on the whiteboard. These were:
(1) Salvation by doing good works
(2) Salvation by faith in Christ + good works
(3) Salvation by faith in Christ alone (by grace)
(4) Salvation by faith in Christ + water baptism
(5) Salvation by water baptism alone.
Then, I asked all the attendees to carefully choose his / her belief for salvation (to get to heaven) and to write it on the piece of paper. Afterwards, the leaders collected all of the pieces of paper and we checked them. Out of over 100 attendees, over 50 of them chose numbers 1, 2, 4 or 5. We then separated the attendees into two groups on the second day:
Group (1) – Those who chose No. 3 (Salvation by faith in Christ alone).
Group (2) — Those who chose No. 1, 2, 4, and 5 (Salvation by good works., by faith + good works., by faith + water baptism., and by water baptism alone).
From the second day (Oct. 28th), bro. Khup taught Christian Life to Group 1, and I (bro. Kap) taught about the Salvation to Group 2. By God’s grace and the work of the Holy Spirit, over 50 persons (the Lord knows the exact number) came to realize that no one can keep the Ten Commandments and no one can get to heaven by doing good works or water baptism. However, a sinner can receive salvation by accepting Jesus Christ as his/her personal Savior and Lord (Rom. 5:12-14., Ps. 51:5., Rom. 3:10., 19., Eph. 2:8., John 1:12-13, etc.). A man (about 45 years old) came to me (bro. Kap) and said, “I am so ashamed because after attending the church services for over 40 years, I just realized that I, a sinner, can get salvation by grace (by accepting Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord).” BUT, he said… “I am so glad that I now have the assurance of salvation which I can never lose” (John 10:27- 29., Eph. 4:30.) “I am saved by grace to do good works” (Eph. 2:10). Praise the Lord!
Bro. Kap at Myitkhina Airport (left) Group photo of Bro. Khup, Kap and attendees (right)
Health Education:
Sister Caroline from U.K. who works with O.M. in Yangon graciously visited SEABC and effectively taught Health Education to the students on Nov. 12th, 2015.
Health Education class (left) Sister Caroline teaching health education (right)
Bro. Phil & Mary Parson from CMML (USA):
Bro. Phil and his wife Mary visited Pam and Zama and the educational school called Step Center for Academy in Yangon, Myanmar from November 18th through November 27th, 2015. Both of them attended Canaan Gospel Chapel on Sunday (Nov. 22) and Phil powerfully preached the Word of God and all the hearers were greatly blessed and encouraged. Both of them visited the SEA Bible College on the next day and all the students were also wonderfully strengthened and edified by hearing the message preached by bro. Phil at the students’ Chapel Service. Phil and Mary sang a special number and all the students also joyfully joined the chorus.
SEABC Students’ Chapel Service (left) Phil and Mary singing a special number (right)
For SEABC friends / partners, God’s provisions and protections for the teaching and equipping ministry of SEA Bible College.
Prayer Request:
(1) for the First Alumni Meet of SEABC to be held on Dec. 16-17, 2015;
(2) for the 7th Biennial Commencement (Graduation) to be held on Dec. 19, 2015.
I pray and hope you all are fine and enjoy Christmas season with your family members and many other friends and believers.
The Lord has graciously answered our prayers that we joyfully and successfully held the First Alumni Meet of South East Asia Bible College at City Church Hall in Yangon downtown on December 16 – 17, 2015. The Alumni Meet was attended by 110 (49 alumni and 61 Present students). The Alumni stayed at the SEA Bible College building and we hired a bus for transportation to and fro City Church Hall in Yangon downtown. The Alumni shared about the different ministries they are doing in different parts of Myanmar and we altogether prayed for each alumni and the ministries they are doing.
By God’s grace, we have three guests speakers from USA namely Mr. Joel Hernandez from Emmaus Bible College, Dubuque, Iowa, Mr. Nolan Dittmar and Mr. Brent Cooper. They powerfully and
effectively preached and taught the Word of God at the Alumni Meet. All the alumni and students were greatly challenged and encouraged by hearing those powerful messages and teachings.
First Alumni Meet of Southeast Asia Bible College:
By God’s grace, because of your prayers and partnerships, the Bible College is going well.
Guests from USA:
Bro. Raju Kunjamin came to Myanmar with bro. John and bro. Babu from assemblies in USA and held Christian Leadership Training at Canaan Gospel Chapel from October 7-9, 2015. The training was attended by around 60 people and they all learned new and very important lessons. We all are so thankful to our good Lord for this training. They also graciously visited SEA Bible College and encouraged the students by teaching and preaching the Word of God.
Brother Raju teaching on leadershipBro. Raju, John, Babu and SEABC students
Logos Hope:
Logos Hope arrived in Alone Seaport, Yangon, Myanmar in the second week of October. All the students and some faculty members of SEABC had a wonderful opportunity of having a tour of Logos Hope on October 13, 2015. Wow! It was a great experience to see the huge library and the kind and hard workers / staffs of the Logos Hope.
Bro. Maung Khaing, who was a non-Christian, heard the Gospel through our missionary Tin Htay and accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord in last March, 2015. He attended a three-month discipleship training in Yangon. Bro. Htay brought Bro. Maung Khaing to SEABC and he shared his testimony at the student’s Chapel service. Please pray for his spiritual growth and the salvation of his relatives.
A man sharing his testimony about hearing the gospel through a missionary
Visiting Lecturer:
We are so thankful and grateful to our Lord for sending bro. Matt Bowen from Littleton Bible Chapel, Denver, USA to Myanmar again. Bro. Matt effectively taught the subject called “The Attributes of God” to second and third year students of SEA Bible College. He powerfully preached at the student’s Chapel Services and at the worship services of Canaan Gospel Chapel during his stay.
Brother Matt teaches on the attributes of God
Medical Checkup:
Dr. Bentley Tate from the United States graciously visited SEA Bible College and preached the Word of God at the Student’s Chapel service on Oct. 23rd. Then, he kindly did medical checkup for some students with health problems. We always give thanks to the Lord for Dr. Bentley, who has a great passion for the bible students. Praise the Lord! Dr. Bentley and his wife Sandy, along with bro. Matt and bro. Kap visited our missionary Kap Do and his family in Pyapon, Delta area on November 1st, 2015. There, they had a fellowship service with believers. Dr. Bentley preached the Word of God and all the hearers were greatly blessed and encouraged. On the next day (Nov. 2nd) Dr. Bentley did medical checkup for some believers and local people in the slum area of Pyapon town. By God’s grace, about 30 people with health problems had a medical checkup with Dr. Tate and got medicine. They all are so happy and grateful to Dr. Tate and his team. To God be the glory!