By God’s grace, your prayers and support, we finished the first semester of 2016 academic year yesterday (Sept. 16th) and all the students and faculty members gratefully, thankfully, and joyfully celebrated Thanksgiving Service at the Student’s Chapel Hall from 3:00pm to 4:14pm. We are so thankful and grateful to our good Lord and gave thanks to Him for His great Love, protection and provisions throughout the first semester. Before I (bro. Kap) preached the message based on the Lord is my Shepherd, we all (faculty members and all students) memorized Psalm 23. It is a great joy to see the spiritual growth of the students. To God be the glory!
Celebrating Thanksgiving Service (September 16, 2016)Prof. Khaul leading the Thanksgiving Service (left) Dr. Cin Za Lian having an opening prayer (right)Mr. Nay Lin Aung (2nd year) singing a special numberMs. Nang Sar (2nd year student) sharing about the goodness of God in her life, especially throughout the first semesterBro. Kap (President) preaching the messageProf. Ram Lian Khuai having a closing prayer
Training for Love, Joy, Peace Festival:
Some faculty members and all students of SEA Bible College had the wonderful opportunity of attending the training conducted by Dr. Ronnie Tin Maung Tun and some other local leaders of the festival today (Sept. 17, 2016) at Hebron Brethren Assembly Hall.
Session (1): This session is led by Saya John, bro. Kyaw Lwin and bro. Khup. Saya. John taught the “Christian Life and Witness Course” from 8:30am to 10:30am.
Saya John teaching “Christian Life and Witness” courseSEA Bible College students are leading in singing
Session (2): This session is led by Dr. Ronnie Tin Maung Tun from 10:30am to 12:00noon. The main subject of this session is “Operation
Dr. Ronnie Tin Maung is teaching
Please earnestly pray with us for the Festival (Evangelistic Meetings) to be held in Myanmar: in Mandalay on Oct. 21-23, 2016, and in Yangon on November 18-20, 2016. Pray that many lost souls will hear the Gospel and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.
The Bible Games and Song Competition was conducted on August 5th, 2016. The student body is divided into four groups such as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The four groups competed in many items/games such as group songs, quartets, trios, duets, solos, action songs, Bible games, dramas based on the Bible, etc.
Bible Games:
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John groups are competing in Bible games in the pictures below.
Matthew Group (left) and Mark Group (right)Luke Group (left) and John Group (right)
Action Songs Competition:
Matthew GroupMark GroupLuke GroupJohn Group
Quartet (Young Men) Competition:
Matthew GroupMark GroupLuke Group
First Prize – Luke GroupSecond Prize – Mark GroupThird Prize – Matthew GroupFourth Prize – John Group
2016 Academic Year Group Pictures:
Matthew Group (2016 Academic Year)Mark Group (2016 Academic Year)Luke Group (2016 Academic Year)John Group (2016 Academic Year)
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and partnerships in the teaching ministry of SEA Bible College where we are training and equipping over 70 young people this academic year of 2016. Please continue to pray for the continuous effectiveness of the teaching ministry of SEABC that the Lord will enable us to train many more young believers to be faithful followers of Christ and to do His Great Commission in Myanmar and around the world. To God be the glory!
Your co-worker in the Lord’s Ministry,
Kap Cin Thang
SEA Bible College
Yangon, Myanmar
Bro. David Tun Win leading Sunday worship service by playing guitarNaw Say Wah teaching Sunday School kids
Last June, we sent Bro. David Tun Win and his wife Naw Say Wah to Kyaingtung, Shan State, to do evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. They have three children. Bro. David and his wife are praying and reaching neighbors with the Gospel at the same time they make friendship with people in the community. They just started worship service on Sunday since last July, 2016. His wife Naw Say Wah teaches Sunday School kids on Sunday. There are about 30 kids who usually attend Sunday School program. Please pray for church growth, and the continuous effectiveness of the Gospel Outreach Ministry. Thanks!
Mission Works in Mandalay:
We sent bro. Tin Htay as missionary to Mandalay in March 2014. The Lord wonderfully blessed his Gospel outreach ministry that some non-Christians heard the Gospel through him and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Worship service on Sunday was started with a few new converts on the first Sunday of last April, 2016. Below are descriptions of the following photos:
Mrs. Khin Htet Htet Thu (21 years old) who is a new convert from non-Christian background is sharing about how she heard about the Gospel and accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior and Lord at Sunday worship service.Ms. Aye Myat Mon (20 years old) who is also a new convert from a non-Christian background sharing about her testimony.Bro. Ko Zin is also a new convert from a non-Christian background. He is also sharing about how he got saved and now he has the assurance of Salvation (1 John 5:11-13).
Please give thanks with us:
1) For the Lord’s protection and provisions for the real needs of the teaching/equipping ministry of SEABC
2) For the new converts who have become eternal worshippers of the Living God (John 4:23).
3) For SEABC’s friends/partners those who pray and financially support for SEABC, and for those who came
to Myanmar and encouraged us and taught the Word of God (and English) at SEABC in the past 14 years.
Prayer Requests:
1) Please pray for the Lord’s continuous protection, provisions and the effectiveness of the teaching/equipping
ministry of SEABC.
2) Please pray for the alumni of SEABC especially who are doing Evangelism, Discipleship and Church
planting in different places in Myanmar and some other countries.
3) Please pray with us for the Evangelistic Meeting to be held in Mandalay in October, 2016 and in Yangon on
November 18-20, 2016 that many lost souls will come to Christ by hearing the Salvation message and
accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. The main Gospel preacher will be Franklin Graham
from BGEA, USA.
Thank you so much.
Bro. Peter Mana Phay preaching the gospel at MCA, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
One of the faculty members named Daniel Khual and our missionary Bro. Peter Mana Phay (Alumni of SEABC) had the privilege of conducting a gospel meeting at Myanmar Christian Assembly in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from July 7th to 8th, 2016. As both of them were invited to preach the Gospel and about the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ, both of them powerfully preached and taught. The gospel meeting was attended by over 100 people. Out of those people, 17 accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. As many of the attendants are already born again Christians, they had been encouraged and edified by hearing about the Rapture/the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thess. 4:15-18).
Gospel Meeting:
Bro. Peter Mana Phay conducted a small group Gospel meeting in Tachuleik, Shan State in the first week of August, 2016. By God’s grace and the work of the Holy Spirit, 7 people accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Please pray with us for the spiritual growth of those new converts.
Prayer Requests:
1) Please for the continuous effectiveness of the evangelism, discipleship and Church planting my wife and I are doing in Maeyan, Tachileik, Shan State, Myanmar.
2) Please pray with us that the Lord will provide a worship hall.
Gospel Meeting with Khai Thie:
Our missionary bro. Khai Thie had wonderful opportunity of conducting Gospel meeting in Hmawbi, Yangon Division on June 13, 2016. The Gospel meeting was attended by over 40 people. On the third day, 10 of them clearly understood about the Salvation of God and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Each one of them is very happy and glad for the assurance of salvation he and she received by faith in Christ (Eph. 2:8., John 3:16., Eph. 4:30., John 10:28, 29).
New Life Training:
Bro. Khai Thie and friends conducted New Life Training for one whole month – last July at his home church called Grace and Truth Church, Yangon area. The training was attended by 13 peoples. Out of those, 10 of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Out of those 10 new converts, 4 of them took believer’s water baptism. Bro. Khai Thie baptized them.
Gospel Trip:
Bro. Kap Tung Thang teaching the Salvation message to the kids (left) and Bro. Kap Tung Thang praising God before the kids
Bro. Kap Tung Thang and bro. Tua Tuang had Gospel trip to Maulawn village, located in remote area in Chin Hills. They got privilege of preaching the Gospel to the villagers including children. This is the first time that the children heard the Gospel. They all need our love and continuous prayers. We pray and plan to have Gospel trips time to time to this village.
Bro. Nar Haw is riding a bamboo boatBro. Nar Haw and the children are giving thanks together to God for His protection and praying together for His provision
Bro. Nar Haw and his wife Paw Lay (both of them are alumni of SEABC) have a baby daughter and are doing evangelism, discipleship and church planting in Khamti, Sagaing Division since 2014. Because of very heavy and long time rains last July and last week (3rd week of August), all areas of Khamti town had been flooded and all the people including bro. Nar Haw and his family have been facing many difficulties such as transportation, insecurity, not enough food, etc. Bro. Nar Haw and Paw Lay are running also a Children Home. They are keeping 15 children (some are orphans, some are very poor background) from rural areas and all the children are attending the public school. They just not helping their education but also have a great burden for the salvation of those kids. They indeed need our prayers.
Loving Christian greetings from South East Asia Bible College, Myanmar! I pray and hope you all are fine. By God’s grace, because of your prayers and partnerships, the SEABC is going well.
Pastors/Christian Workers Conference:
Pastor’s Christian Workers Conference (left) and Rev. Dr. Al Whittinghill preaching
The Pastors Conference was held at Hebron Assembly Hall on June 24th. The main speaker was Rev. Dr. Al Whittinghill, sent by Franklin Graham from BGEA. The main purpose of the Conference was preparation for the Love, Joy, and Peace Festival (Evangelistic Meeting/Crusade) to be held at Myanmar Convention Center in Yangon, Myanmar from November 18th to 20th, 2016. Believers from different churches in Myanmar pray together and work together for this event. All faculty members and bible students of South East Asia Bible College are praying and doing what we can do for this festival. We need your prayers for the great gospel revival in Myanmar.
New Converts:
Our missionary Bro. Tin Tun conducted a small group Gospel meeting in South Dagon, Yangon area on June 12th & 13th., and on August 11, 2016. The first Gospel meeting was attended by around 12 people and two of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. The second Gospel meeting was attended by around 20 people and by God’s grace 5 of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Praise the Lord! Please pray with us for the spiritual growth of those new converts and the salvation of those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord yet. Thanks!
Gospel Outreach:
The SEABC student body is divided into four groups – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. All the students usually do Gospel outreach ministry in Yangon and its areas by sharing about the Gospel and distributing Gospel tracts. Each group is led by the Group leaders and have gospel trips to Mingalar Children Home in Shwepyethar, Yangon area on the second Sunday of every month.
SEABC Students’ Chapel Service:
Students’ Chapel ServiceSome students (boys) singing a special number
The students have Chapel Service on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. At the service, there is a sermon preached by a faculty member or a senior student. The second and third year students usually lead the service as chairman, one special number is sung by a group or quartette, etc. There is a time for testimony. All the students enjoy the service and it helps their spiritual life and English speaking and understanding.