Summer Youth Camp was held in Tachileik, Shan State on April 13-16, 2017. The Camp was joyfully attended by 218 youths. The Camp was organized and led by Pastor Meng Hau, some SEABC students and church leaders. The Camp leaders powerfully preached and taught the
Gospel especially for those who did not have the assurance of Salvation; Christians living for those who are already true born again believers. By God’s grace, some of the young peoples came to faith in Jesus Christ and 17 of them were baptized (Believer’s Water baptism). Bro. Awl Lian (SEBC alumni) is one of the leaders and they plan to hold a Gospel Meeting/New Life Training for one week at a village in this month May. Please pray with us for the Gospel revival that many lost souls who are heading to Hell will turn to Eternal Heaven by accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord (John 14:6; John 3:16; Heb. 2:3).
Summer Children Camp in Kale town:
Summer Children Camp was successfully conducted by Ms. Man Neel, some SEABC Students and Sunday School teachers at Leipi, Kale town, Sagaing Division on April 24th – 29th, 2017. The Camp was joyfully attended by 200 Children. We preached and taught the
Salvation message with visual pictures and actions. By God’s grace, out of those, 124 Children accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord during the Camp. Praise the Lord! We need your continuous prayers for the follow up works for the spiritual growth of those kids who accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. And also please pray with us for the Gospel Outreach we are doing together
(SEABC & CEF Kalay Town) and the Salvation of millions of Children especially in the Buddhist Land of Myanmar. Thank you so much for your prayers and partnerships in the Lord’s ministry.
Teaching action songsSummer Children Camp, Kale, Sagaing Division (All campers and leaders) April 24-29, 2017
Bro. Saw Nyunt Oo and I (Kap) had a Mission Trip to two villages called Chanpyan (A & B), Matupi township, Southern Chin State on April 4-10, 2017. We had a blessed time of fellowship with believers and teaching and preaching sessions during our stay there. We taught the subjects of the Universal Church; Local Church; and Basic Doctrines. The fulltime Pastor (Elder) of the Church at Chanpyan village (A) is bro. Kyaw Naing Oo who is an alumni of SEA Bible College. He and his wife have three children. The Pastor (Elder) of the Church at Chanpyan village (B) is Bro. Ro Thang Lian. He and his wife have a baby son. Please pray with us for the growth of these two local churches and for the two pastors (Elders), deacons, and members of the two churches.
Summer Youth/Children Camp in Yangon:
Summer Youth/Children Camp was successfully held at SEA Bible College, Yangon on April 13-16, 2017. The Camp was attended by over 120 people from different places such as Pyapon (Irrawaddy Division), Hlawga, Dala, and Yangon. We had different sessions such as Salvation class which is for those who did not have the assurance of Salvation, and Christian Life/Discipleship Class for those who already have the assurance of Salvation. And we have Sunday School Children programs. By God’s grace, some young peoples and children accepted Jesus
Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. On the last day of the Camp – April 16th, 2017 (Sunday), six believers were baptized.
Children programYouth programNight Worship Service (left) Baptism (right)All campers
Thank you very much for all your prayers for Myanmar.
I pray and hope you all are fine. Thank you so much for all your continued prayers for Summer Youth/Children Camps in Myanmar. Our God of Mission heard our prayers and wonderfully blessed our partnerships in doing His Great Commission in Myanmar.
We conducted a New Life Training at Myat-thargone village, Kayin State, on March 24th-26th, 2017. The New Life Training was attended by over 30 peoples. By God’s grace, over 20 of them clearly understood the true meaning of the Salvation and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Nine (9) of them took believer’s baptism (Water baptism) on Sunday (March 26th) at 7:30am.
Summer Youth Camp was held in Kale town, Sagaing Division on March 27th – 31st, 2017. By God’s grace, the Camp leaders rented a Public High School building for the Camp. The Camp was joyfully attended by 230 young people from over 15 different villages and towns. The Camp was organized and led by some Youth Leaders from assemblies of Upper Myanmar and some faculty members, alumni and students of South East Asia Bible College. There were different teaching classes during the camp – class for some young peoples who did not have the assurance of Salvation, and class for Christian Life (for young peoples who have the assurance of Salvation). By the works of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Gospel, over 60 young people accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord and took believer’s baptism (Water baptism) on Friday (March 31st). To God be the glory!
Summer Youth Camp in Kale Town (March 27-31, 2017)
Once again, thank you so much for your partnerships.
Doing the Lord’s Great Commission together (Matt. 28:19),
By God’s grace, 6 new converts from a slum area of Yangon took believer’s baptism (Water Baptism) on March 11, 2017. One of them, named Daw Mar Lar is Hindu background. The other five peoples were also non-Christians. They now became true members of God’s family by accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Please pray with us for the follow up work and the spiritual growth of these new converts and other believers from this house church.
Children Camp at Taung-philar:
Children Camp was successfully held at Taung-philar, Kale District, Sagaing Division on March 6 – 11, 2017. The Camp was joyfully attended by 131 children. Ms. Mercy Man En Cing (a 3rd year student of SEA Bible College) and five Sunday School teachers taught the Word of God (Salvation message, Christian life, etc.) and Sunday School songs/action songs, etc. By God’s grace, 20 children accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.
Children Camp in Kan-Oo Village:
Children camp was held at Kan-Oo village, Kale township on March 8-10, 2017. The camp was joyfully attended by 85 children. Most of the children are from Roman Catholic background. SEA Bible College students – Ms. Cing Man Dim and A-te-lay, and some CEF teachers taught the Salvation message. By God’s grace, 15 of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Out of those 15 new converts, 8 of them are Roman Catholic background. Please pray for the follow up work for those new converts. To God be the glory!
Children Camp in Dawae Town:
Another Children Camp was held at Dawae town, Tanintharyi Division, on February 28th– March 4th, 2017. The Camp was attended by 42 children, and led by some SEABC alumni named Mr. Aung Yin, Mr. Suang Za Khai, Mary Phaw Say, and Ms. Lydia En Cing (a faculty member of SEABC) and Ms. Ziau Pi. The Camp leaders taught the Salvation message (John 3:16); Seed (Luke 8:4-15), Songs, Dramas, etc. All the children were wonderfully blessed and built up by the teachings of the Camp leaders.
Camp leaders and campers
Women Seminar:
Mrs. Susanna Vung and Mrs. Ma Mang (3rd year student of SEABC) led the Women Seminar held at Suhtaung-kone, Naga Hills, Homalin township, Sagaing Division on January 27-29, 2017. The Seminar was joyfully attended by 115 women. Mrs. Sunna Vung preached and taught the Gospel and Christian Life. By the work of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Gospel, 35 women accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord during the Seminar. Praise the Lord!
Women seminar at Suhtaung-kone (January 2-29, 2017)
Brother Zaw Nyi (alumni of SEABC) and his family are doing Evangelism and Church Planting at Phaya-kyi Village, Yangon Division. His brief ministry report is as follows:
We have Sunday School program and Youth program on every Sunday. And we also have Home-cell on Wednesday night and Friday night.
My wife (Moe Pale Win) and I help the education of some children in the village by running home tuition (free of charges). By doing this, we can get to know some parents of the kids and we get the opportunity of reaching them with the Gospel.
New Life Trainings (Gospel Meetings)
We have New Life Training (special class for sharing about Salvation) once a month. By the work of Holy Spirit, some non-Christians came to faith in Christ already.
Giving gifts to older people
By God’s grace, we time to time visit older people in the village and give small gifts such as blanket, oil, clothing, etc., and pray for them. By showing the God’s love (Agape) especially to those older people, they welcome us and I used to share about the Gospel. By God’s grace, some of them already accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Christmas Celebration
By God’s grace, we held Christmas Celebration on December 23rd, 2016. We invited our neighbors and villagers. Some young people sang Christmas Carols and I preached the Christmas Story (the Gospel). Please pray with us for the Salvation of the villagers of Phaya-gyi village. Almost all the villagers are Buddhists.
Christmas Celebration at Phaya-gi Village (December 23, 2016)
Evangelism, Discipleship & Church Planting
Bro. Nan Da Lin (Alumni of SEA Bible College) is reaching non-Christians in Wet-taung village by helping education of the kids. He is doing home tuition free of charges.
Gospel Meeting at Wet-taung Village
The Gospel meeting was held at Wet-taung village, Pye township, Bagu Division on Dec. 16th, 2016. Our brother Nan Da Lin is doing evangelism and Church planting there since last April, The Gospel meeting was attended by around 50 people, most of them are Buddhists. I, Tial Thawng, preached the Gospel and the story of Christmas. Some of them are interested in the message.
Brother Gospel Meeting at Wet-taung Village (left) Sunday School Program (right)Brother Nan Da Linn is teaching songs and sharing the gospel with kids
Children Christmas was held at Pan Wai Let Boarder, Kale town, Sagaing Division, on Dec. 18, 2016. Ms. Mary (our partner) and her group led the Christmas. 150 Children joyfully attended, and out of them 20 children accepted Jesus Christ as their
personal Savior and Lord.
Children Christmas was joyfully conducted in Shwebu, Sagaing Division on December 15, 2016. Ms. Htwee Htwee Myint (our partner) and her group led the Christmas. 500 Children attended. Most of them are non-Christians. They need our prayers for their Salvation.
Children Christmas was held in Mawlaik Kale, Sagaing Division on December 21, 2016. Co-workers of Ms. Mary led this Children Christmas. 26 children eagerly attended. When they all heard about the Christmas Story, the Love of God and the main purpose of Jesus’ coming to the World, all of them stood up and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. To God be the glory!
Children Christmas was conducted at Football field in Kale town on December 3, 2016. Our partner Ms, Mary and her team led this Christmas Celebration. By God’s grace, 308 children joyfully attended. The leaders shared about the Christmas Story and taught some Christmas songs.
Children Christmas was conducted by Ms. Mary’s co-workers at Khong-thar Public School, Sagaing Division, on December 6th, 2016. 238 children joyfully attended; out of them 20 children accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Hallelujah!
Children Christmas was held at Kan-Oo village, Sagaing Division on December 10th, 2016. By the grace of God, 280 Children attended; by the work of the Holy Spirit, 50 children accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Praise the Lord!
Children Christmas was conducted at Primary School No. (5), in Kale town, Sagaing Division, on December 15th, 2016. The Children Christmas Celebration was joyfully attended 336 Children. We, the leaders of the Christmas had wonderful opportunity of sharing about the Christmas Story to those Children.
Children Christmas was held at Htauk-kyant Village, Sagaing Division on December 23, 2016. By God;s grace, 180 children attended and 30. of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Thank you Lord for those new converts!
Children Christmas was held at the Compound of Hospital in Kalewa town, Sagaing Division on December 7th, 2016. By God’s grace, 60 Children attended. Please pray with us for the salvation of those kids who are non-Christians.
By God’s grace, a lady named Ma Thet Wei (27 years old) accepted Jesus Christ and I (Tin Htay) baptized her on November 19, 2016. Please pray for her spiritual growth.
Gospel Meeting in Innwa
I had a wonderful opportunity of holding the Gospel Meeting in Innwa, Mandalay areas on December 21, 2016. The Gospel meeting was attended by 120 people (non-believers). We need to pray for their salvation.
Evangelistic Meeting (Gospel Crusade)
By God’s grace, some believers and I (Peter Mana Phay) conducted the Evangelistic Meeting (Crusade) at Phanmin village, Tachileik Township, Shan State, on December 15 – 16, 2016. The crusade was attended by over 600 people every night (two nights). Many of them came to faith in Christ by hearing the Gospel.
Children Christmas
Peter Mana Phey teaching the Gospel (left) Group photo of Children Christmas (right)
Two sisters, my wife Ngein Ngein Tun and I conducted Children Christmas at Maeyan, Tachileik Township, Shan State, on December 24th, 2016. By God’s grace, over 60 children joyfully attended and we preached and taught the Salvation message. Some of them already have the assurance of Salvation, but some of them not. Please pray with us for the salvation of those kids. After having Children Christmas, all the kids and we all joyfully had fried noodles for lunch.
Sunday School Children Worship Service Program
Sunday School Children Worship Service (left) 4 new children converts (right)
My wife Paw Lay and I (Nar Haw) usually have Sunday School Children worship service program on every Sunday. We run a Children Home and living together with very poor kids and orphans. We send them to public school for their education. We totally depend on God for their needs. We need your prayers.
New Converts (Children)
We had a Gospel Counseling session on October 8, 2016. By the work of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Gospel, 4 children accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Praise the Lord! Please pray with us for the spiritual growth of these four new converts.
Children Christmas
By God’s grace, we held Children Christmas on December 27th, 2016 (Tuesday), 87 children joyfully attended and sang together Christmas Carols. Ms. Som Thong and my wife Paw Lay taught Christmas story to the children and memorizing the Bible Verses regarding the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ together.
Thank you so much for your continued prayers and partnerships in the Lord’s Ministry that we are doing in Myanmar.
New Life Trainings
Mr. A-Nge Lay (33 years old)
Bro. Zaw Baung (alumni of SEA Bible College) and his family are doing Evangelism and Church Planting in Shwepyathar, Yangon area. He held a New Life Training (Gospel Meeting) at Shwepyethar on October 10th, 2016. The training was attended by 13 persons; out of those, three persons accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.
And another New Life Training was held by bro. Zaw Baung in the same place on November 4-6, 2016. By God’s grace, 18 people attended the training and 6 of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Out of those 6 new converts, 4 of them took the Believer’s Water Baptism on November 6th, 2016.
Christmas & Gospel Meeting
Mr. Mya Ko (25 years old)
Bro. Zaw Baung and believers from our church in Shwepyethar celebrated Christmas on December 25th, 2016.We invited unbelievers. We had a Gospel Meeting and about 63 adults and 34 children joyfully attended. Zaw Boung preached the Christmas message (Gospel) and a non-Christian namely Mr. Mya Ko accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord and took water baptism on that day.
Prayer Requests:
1) Please pray that the Lord will provide the needed funds for rental cost of a house for worship place.
2) For the Discipleship Training to be held in April – May, 2017.
3) For the continuous effectiveness of the Gospel Outreach ministry.
Gospel Meeting
Believer’s Water Baptism Program (October 22, 2016)Tial Thawng and 9 new converts who were baptized
Bro. Tial Thawng (alumni of SEABC) and his family are reaching non-Christians with the Gospel and doing church planting at South Dagon, Yangon area. He conducted the Gospel Meeting on October 18-22, 2016. The Gospel meeting was attended by 30 people. Out of those, 15 of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Out of those 15 new converts, 9 of them took believer’s water baptism on Oct. 22, 2016. The Church planter Bro. Tial Thawng baptized them. Out of those 9 believers who took water baptism, one of them is Hindi background; 3 of them are from type (B); and the others are from nominal Christian background. Please pray for the spiritual growth of those new converts and the other 6 new converts that they will decide to follow Jesus Christ and take water baptism in the future.
Children Christmas
Children Christmas at South Dagon, Yangon (December 17, 2016)
The Children Christmas Celebration was conducted on Dec. 17th, 2016. Over 50 children joyfully attended and we shared them about the story of Christmas. All the children joyfully and enthusiastically sang Christmas Carols. Then all the children joyfully had Christmas Lunch Fellowship.
Personal Evangelism
By God’s grace, I (Ling Hung Mana) could continue the Gospel Outreach and Church planting ministry at Shenboung village. A woman namely Mrs. Pai Kee (about 65 yrs old) accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior and Lord on October 18, 2016. Please pray with me for the spiritual growth of this new convert.
A New Member
The Lord blessed the Gospel outreach ministry that I am doing at Shenboung village that Mr. Naing Thang Kee came to faith in Christ and joined our House Church on November 21, 2016.
Project for Church Building
Our mission house (hut) is too small. So, we have been in much prayers that the Lord will provide the financial needs for the cost of a new building (house) for worship place. We need your prayers and help.
Wishing you all have a Christ-centered Christmas and Happy New Year!
Love, Joy, Peace Festival (Gospel Crusade):
The Lord answered our prayers that this Gospel Crusade was successfully held at Myanmar Convention Center on November 18-20, 2016. The Gospel Crusade was attended by over 40,000 people on the first day, over 50,000 people on the second day, and over 70000 people on the third day. Dr. Franklin Graham powerfully and clearly preached the pure Gospel and around 7,000 people accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. As far as I know, this is the first time we saw many thousands of people who listened to the Gospel in one place. By God’s grace, some alumni and 33 students of SEABC had wonderful opportunity of doing counseling, some of them did Operation Andrew, and three faculty members participated in the Crusade as Supervisors at the Crusade. Please continue to pray with us for the follow up works we are doing now. Thank you so much for praying the Gospel revival of Myanmar.
Love, Joy, Peace Festival (2nd Night) at Myanmar Convention Center, Yangon, MyanmarCounselors from SEA Bible College (left) Mr. San Thein, an SEABC student doing counseling (right)
Visiting Lecturers:
(1) Mr. Jim Fleming (Int’l Director of Emmaus Correspondence School) from USA came to Myanmar and effectively and clearly taught the Book of Galatians (ECS Course) to third and final year students on November 14-18, 2016.
(2) Dr. Loh Ah Asiau and two young men (Stephen & KG) from Malaysia came to Myanmar and effectively taught the subject called “Church Planting” at SEA Bible College from Nov. 22-25, 2016.
(3) Dr. Kevin Moore & Mr. Brent Cooper from USA taught the Word of God at SEA Bible College on December 5th. Dr. Kevin Moore taught on the subject “Love” based on First Corinthians Chapter 13. Mr. Brent Cooper taught on “The Pitfall of Leadership.” All the students were greatly built up and strengthened. Then we held a Bible Seminar at Canaan Gospel Chapel in downtown Yangon on December 6-7, 2016. The Seminar was joyfully attended by around 100 people (some pastors, missionaries, and SEABC students).
Dr. Kevin Moore, Mr. Brent Cooper, and SEABC students
Dr. Kevin Moore powerfully taught on the following topics:
1. Love your Church beyond Barriers
2. Love Your Church With God’s Word
3. Love Your Church In Prayer
4. Love Your Church Through Visitation
5. Love Your Church During Change
6. Love Your Church Within Conflict
7. Love Your Church Amid Stress
Mr. Brent Cooper powerfully taught on the topic as follows:
1. The Pitfalls of Christian Leadership
2. Love Means Living a Life of Integrity
3. Love Means Taking Care of Yourself Amid Stress
4. Love Means Using Technology Wisely
We all had been greatly blessed and strengthened by the powerful and inspiring teachings of Dr. Kevin Moore and Mr. Brent Cooper.
(4) Mr. Lawrence Lim and Mr. Peter Lian: Bro. Lawrence from WorldServe Ministries, Canada, came to Myanmar with Mr. Peter Lian to visit some missionaries. By God’s grace, we had a very blessed time of fellowship with both of them at SEA Bible College on Nov. 23rd. Bro. Lawrence powerfully preached the Word of God at the SEABC Student’s Chapel Service and also taught a beautiful Christian Song to the students.
SEA Bible College’s Day of Games & Sports:
SEABC students had Games and Sports on December 2, 2016. The Student body is divided into four groups such as Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. They played different items such as football, volleyball, race, shot-put, etc. Luke group won the First Prize – the Cup.
Students are praying before playing
Sweet December:
We had a good time of Christmas Sing Song Service on December 11, 2016. Each group (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) of SEA Bible College joyfully and meaningfully sang Christmas Carols such as “Go Tell It On the Mountain,” Silent Night, Holy Night,” “O Holy Night.” etc.
Matthew Group (left) Mark Group (right)Luke Group (left) John Group (right)Special Choir with a Conductor (SEABC students)
Farewell Service:
By God’s grace, we finished the 2016 academic year of SEA Bible College on December 16th, 2016 and had Farewell Service at SEABC’s Chapel Hall at 2:30pm – 4:00pm. All faculty members and students gave thanks to the Lord for His Love, guidance, providence, protection and faithfulness. To God be the glory! Then we all joyfully joined the Farewell Dinner together. Thank you so much for all your prayers and partnerships in the challenging ministry of SEA Bible College.
Final Year students are singing (left) Abraham (right)Daniel Khual praying for the Final Year studentsSEABC Students and Faculty Members (December 16, 2016)Faculty members and all students of SEA Bible College (2016 Academic Year)
Prayer Requests:
1) Please pray with us for all the safe trip back homes and that the Lord will mightily use them as they
will do the Gospel Outreach ministry in different areas of Myanmar
2) for the alumni who are in the Lord’s service in Myanmar and abroad
3) that the Lord will provide the real needs for new campus and facilities of SEA Bible College
4) for the plan of starting M.Div. program
5) that the Lord will send some more visiting lecturers from foreign countries to teach at SEABC
6) that the Lord will provide the needs for administration costs and scholarship funds for the needy
7) for the 2nd Alumni Meet and the 8th Biennial Graduation to be held in December 2017.
Thank you so much for all your love, great burden, and partnerships.
I pray and hope you all are fine. By God’s grace, the Bible College is going well.
LOVE, JOY, PEACE FESTIVAL (Children Crusade):
The Children Crusade was held by Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) at Myanmar Convention Center in Yangon on October 22, 2016 and the Crusade was attended by over 16,000 children. By the wonderful work of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Gospel message, thousands of those children came forward and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Praise the Lord! Those children had been heading to eternal Hell, but they had turned to the eternal Heaven on that day (October 22, 2016) by accepting Jesus Christ Who is the only way to get to Heaven. By God’s grace, SEA Bible College students effectively participated at the Crusade as Counselors. Please continue to pray for the follow up work for those new converts that they will become faithful followers (disciples) of Christ and to do His Great Commission. To God be the glory!
SEA Bible College students are doing counseling at Children Crusade (October 22, 2016)
The Operation Andrew Training for Love, Joy, Peace Festival (Crusade) was held at Hebron Assembly Hall in Yangon on October 29, 2016.
Operation Andrew Training being held at Hebron Assembly Hall in Yangon (October 29, 2016)
Special Prayer Request:
Please pray with us for the Love, Joy, Peace Festival (Gospel Crusade) to be held by Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) at Myanmar Convention Center in Yangon, Myanmar on November 18-20, 2016 that many lost souls will accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Thank you very much for your continuous prayers and partnerships in the Lord’s ministry we are doing in Myanmar. May the Lord continue to mightily use and abundantly bless you all for His own glory and Kingdom!