Outreach Ministry: Distributing Gospel Tracts and Gospel Trip

Southeast Asia Bible College outreach ministry team.
Brother Matthew Bowen and students distributing gospel tracts

Outreach Ministry:

Southeast Asia Bible College students are divided into four groups, such as: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Each group leaders used to lead his group members to do Gospel outreach ministry in Yangon downtown and its areas such as seaport, train stations, and markets and shopping centers, etc. Brother Matthew Bowen and some students went to Dala, beyond Yangon river and distributed Gospel tracts in June.

Gospel trip to Saw town, Magwe with Brother Kap and students for New Life training

Gospel Trip:

Brother Kap and some students of Southeast Asia Bible College had a Gospel trip to Saw town, Magwe, Division in March 2013. We held Gospel meeting and New Life Training
in that town for two days.