Mission Trip to Chanpyan (A) & (B):
Bro. Saw Nyunt Oo and I (Kap) had a Mission Trip to two villages called Chanpyan (A & B), Matupi township, Southern Chin State on April 4-10, 2017. We had a blessed time of fellowship with believers and teaching and preaching sessions during our stay there. We taught the subjects of the Universal Church; Local Church; and Basic Doctrines. The fulltime Pastor (Elder) of the Church at Chanpyan village (A) is bro. Kyaw Naing Oo who is an alumni of SEA Bible College. He and his wife have three children. The Pastor (Elder) of the Church at Chanpyan village (B) is Bro. Ro Thang Lian. He and his wife have a baby son. Please pray with us for the growth of these two local churches and for the two pastors (Elders), deacons, and members of the two churches.
Summer Youth/Children Camp in Yangon:
Summer Youth/Children Camp was successfully held at SEA Bible College, Yangon on April 13-16, 2017. The Camp was attended by over 120 people from different places such as Pyapon (Irrawaddy Division), Hlawga, Dala, and Yangon. We had different sessions such as Salvation class which is for those who did not have the assurance of Salvation, and Christian Life/Discipleship Class for those who already have the assurance of Salvation. And we have Sunday School Children programs. By God’s grace, some young peoples and children accepted Jesus
Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. On the last day of the Camp – April 16th, 2017 (Sunday), six believers were baptized.
Thank you very much for all your prayers for Myanmar.
Doing Jesus Christ’s Great Commission together,
Kap (Kap Cin Thang)