Report from Bro. Kap Tung Thang (Kale, Sagaing Division):
Gospel Meetings:
By God’s grace, I had gospel trips with friends to seven places in Sagaing Division and Chin States between October 11th and October 30th, 2015. We conducted gospel meetings and counseling sessions in the evening and teaching sessions in the day time. Our three sisters led the children programs. The Lord graciously blessed our gospel trips; 12 people clearly understood about the Salvation message we preached and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. To God be the glory!
Brother Kap Tung Thang preaching the Gospel at Simtum Village (left) Counseling session (right)Sunday School Kids
Report from Bro. Pau Sian Mang (Tonzang, Chin State):
Brother Pau Sian Mang teaching the Gospel
I conducted a Gospel meeting (specifically for ladies) in November, 2015. Over 30 people attended the meeting. Out of those people, 17 accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord and two women shared their testimonies. I also had the opportunity to reach three leaders of Roman Catholic Church with the Gospel and two of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. The other one said that he will ask their Bishop about what Salvation means. Those two new converts want to join us on Sunday worship service but they are afraid of their family members who are strong Roman Catholics. Please pray with us for the spiritual growth of those two new converts and for the salvation of the other one.
Bible Study & Home-cell:
Youth Bible Study
I have Bible study with some young people two times a week and have Home-cell with believers at every Saturday night.
New Member:
By God’s grace, one family (the parents are born again) joined our church in last October 2015.
Youth Bible Study Flood Resettlement Project:
Flood victims – Lang Suan and wife (middle)
Pastor Kap Cin Thang, two pastors and I worked together for the Resettlement project for Flood victims in Nakzang village, Chin State. Presently, we are rebuilding a house for a family whose house was wiped out by the flood back in August, 2015. We had planned to build four more houses in January, 2016 for the flood victims in Nakzang village. They are so happy and thankful to the Lord and the donors and joyful tears were streaming down from their eyes.
By God’s grace, because of your prayers and partnerships, the Bible College is going well.
Guests from USA:
Bro. Raju Kunjamin came to Myanmar with bro. John and bro. Babu from assemblies in USA and held Christian Leadership Training at Canaan Gospel Chapel from October 7-9, 2015. The training was attended by around 60 people and they all learned new and very important lessons. We all are so thankful to our good Lord for this training. They also graciously visited SEA Bible College and encouraged the students by teaching and preaching the Word of God.
Brother Raju teaching on leadershipBro. Raju, John, Babu and SEABC students
Logos Hope:
Logos Hope arrived in Alone Seaport, Yangon, Myanmar in the second week of October. All the students and some faculty members of SEABC had a wonderful opportunity of having a tour of Logos Hope on October 13, 2015. Wow! It was a great experience to see the huge library and the kind and hard workers / staffs of the Logos Hope.
Bro. Maung Khaing, who was a non-Christian, heard the Gospel through our missionary Tin Htay and accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord in last March, 2015. He attended a three-month discipleship training in Yangon. Bro. Htay brought Bro. Maung Khaing to SEABC and he shared his testimony at the student’s Chapel service. Please pray for his spiritual growth and the salvation of his relatives.
A man sharing his testimony about hearing the gospel through a missionary
Visiting Lecturer:
We are so thankful and grateful to our Lord for sending bro. Matt Bowen from Littleton Bible Chapel, Denver, USA to Myanmar again. Bro. Matt effectively taught the subject called “The Attributes of God” to second and third year students of SEA Bible College. He powerfully preached at the student’s Chapel Services and at the worship services of Canaan Gospel Chapel during his stay.
Brother Matt teaches on the attributes of God
Medical Checkup:
Dr. Bentley Tate from the United States graciously visited SEA Bible College and preached the Word of God at the Student’s Chapel service on Oct. 23rd. Then, he kindly did medical checkup for some students with health problems. We always give thanks to the Lord for Dr. Bentley, who has a great passion for the bible students. Praise the Lord! Dr. Bentley and his wife Sandy, along with bro. Matt and bro. Kap visited our missionary Kap Do and his family in Pyapon, Delta area on November 1st, 2015. There, they had a fellowship service with believers. Dr. Bentley preached the Word of God and all the hearers were greatly blessed and encouraged. On the next day (Nov. 2nd) Dr. Bentley did medical checkup for some believers and local people in the slum area of Pyapon town. By God’s grace, about 30 people with health problems had a medical checkup with Dr. Tate and got medicine. They all are so happy and grateful to Dr. Tate and his team. To God be the glory!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! By God’s grace, your powerful prayers and support, the Bible school is going well and all faculty and the bible students are fine.
Visiting Lecturers:
By God’s grace, Mr. Nolan, Mr. Gordon Fees, and Mr. Eric Miner (all are from Gideon Int’l) from USA came to Myanmar on Oct. 31th, 2014 and taught Biblical Principles of Evangelism, Prayer, and Discernment to SEABC students from Nov. 1 – 14 (two weeks). The students had been well equipped and powerfully encouraged to continue to reach the unbelievers with the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:19, 20., Rom. 1:16). And bro. Nolan and Gordon preached at Sunday worship service at Canaan Gospel Chapel (2 Sundays), located in Yangon downtown and believers were tremendously strengthened and blessed. We are so thankful to our Lord for sending these three brothers to SEA Bible College to teach His precious Word. Praise the Lord!
Mr. Nolan, Eric, Gordon, and some students and faculty members of South East Asia Bible College
Bible Teaching:
Bro. Charlie Fizer (Former Int’l Director of Emmaus Correspondence School, USA) came to Myanmar and taught “First Peter” to third and final year students for one week (from Nov. 17-21), and preached at Canaan Gospel Chapel, Yangon, Bethany Church in Dala, and taught at Hebron Assembly. The teaching session at Hebron Assembly was attended by about 200 people. The students and believers those who heard the Word of God powerfully taught by bro. Charlie were edified and strengthened. Praise the Lord!
Brother Charlie Fizer, teaching at the Hebron AssemblyChurch Planters Seminar in Yangon (November 24, 2014)
Church Planters Bible Seminar:
Bro. Brian, Lawrence, and Thomas came from Canada to Myanmar and conducted Church Planting Seminar at Canaan Gospel Chapel, Yangon on Nov.24, 2014. The seminar was attended by 40 people (including over 25 church planters). We are so grateful and thankful to our God of Mission Who sent these brothers to partner with Evangelical Churches in Myanmar especially in doing evangelism and Church planting in different parts of Myanmar.
130th Anniversary and Dedication Service of new Church Building:
By God’s grace, 130th anniversary of Myanmar Brethren Assembly and dedication service of Hebron Brethren Assembly’s new building was held at Hebron Brethren Assembly Hall, located at 8 Mile, Mayangone township, Yangon on Nov. 21st, 2014. The service was graciously attended by over 1,500 people. Different groups of people had special numbers and SEABC students also sang a beautiful song. Bro. Ronnie Tin Maung Tun preached the Word of God. All attendees joyfully gave thanks and praised the Lord together for His faithfulness throughout the past 130 years. To God be the glory!
Boys and girls with a different cultural dress
One Day At A Time (in Myanmar Language):
By the grace of God, “One Day At A time” which is a devotional book of William MacDonald has been translated into Myanmar language and published last month (November, 2014). It’s been a wonderful spiritual blessing to the readers those who indeed want to be doers of the Word of God. I personally want to give thanks to the Lord for not only enabling me to translate this book into Myanmar language but also providing all the needed funds for publishing cost. Praise the Lord!
SEA Bible College’s Day of Prayer:
All students and faculty members had College’s Day of Prayer on Dec. 4th, 2014 (Thursday) from 9:00am to 3:00pm. We all gratefully gave thanks to our good Lord for His faithfulness in guiding us, providing all our needs, and keeping us throughout the past. I (bro. Kap) preached on the subject of prayer (Rom. 8:32). Some students shared about God’s guidance and provisions especially during their study at SEABC.
Sister Dar Khu Saw who is a final year student shared about God’s goodness in her life. God has enabled her to finish her final year of B.Th. program this year 2014. Though her earthly father already went to the Lord in 2010, her heavenly Father faithfully provides her spiritual and physical needs especially during her study at SEABC since 2001.
Sister Dar Khu Saw speaking
Sweet December:
Special Service of Sweet December was held at Canaan Gospel Chapel on last Sunday (Dec. 7th) from 10:00am to 12:30pm. The service was joyfully attended by over 150 people.
Four groups (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) from SEABC had Christmas Carols/song competition (choirs & quartet). Mark group won the first prize. Bro. John from New Zealand powerfully preached the Christmas message (Lessons:- the humble life of Christ., the difficult life of Christ on earth., the finished work of Christ on the Cross, and His Rapture/Second Coming). The hearers had been blessed and strengthened by the message.
Matthew GroupMark Group
John Group
Prayer requests:
for Gospel meetings especially during Christmas season and Summer holidays
for our missionaries and SEABC Alumni who are serving the Lord in different parts of Myanmar and abroad
for the present and future needs for the Bible School (e.g. to repair the roof and to put tiles on the front side of the school building, water tanks, new building project, etc.).
Thank you so much for all your prayers and partnerships.