Brother Zaw Nyi (alumni of SEABC) and his family are doing Evangelism and Church Planting at Phaya-kyi Village, Yangon Division. His brief ministry report is as follows:
We have Sunday School program and Youth program on every Sunday. And we also have Home-cell on Wednesday night and Friday night.
My wife (Moe Pale Win) and I help the education of some children in the village by running home tuition (free of charges). By doing this, we can get to know some parents of the kids and we get the opportunity of reaching them with the Gospel.
New Life Trainings (Gospel Meetings)
We have New Life Training (special class for sharing about Salvation) once a month. By the work of Holy Spirit, some non-Christians came to faith in Christ already.
Giving gifts to older people
By God’s grace, we time to time visit older people in the village and give small gifts such as blanket, oil, clothing, etc., and pray for them. By showing the God’s love (Agape) especially to those older people, they welcome us and I used to share about the Gospel. By God’s grace, some of them already accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Christmas Celebration
By God’s grace, we held Christmas Celebration on December 23rd, 2016. We invited our neighbors and villagers. Some young people sang Christmas Carols and I preached the Christmas Story (the Gospel). Please pray with us for the Salvation of the villagers of Phaya-gyi village. Almost all the villagers are Buddhists.
Christmas Celebration at Phaya-gi Village (December 23, 2016)
Evangelism, Discipleship & Church Planting
Bro. Nan Da Lin (Alumni of SEA Bible College) is reaching non-Christians in Wet-taung village by helping education of the kids. He is doing home tuition free of charges.
Gospel Meeting at Wet-taung Village
The Gospel meeting was held at Wet-taung village, Pye township, Bagu Division on Dec. 16th, 2016. Our brother Nan Da Lin is doing evangelism and Church planting there since last April, The Gospel meeting was attended by around 50 people, most of them are Buddhists. I, Tial Thawng, preached the Gospel and the story of Christmas. Some of them are interested in the message.
Brother Gospel Meeting at Wet-taung Village (left) Sunday School Program (right)Brother Nan Da Linn is teaching songs and sharing the gospel with kids
Bro. David Tun Win leading Sunday worship service by playing guitarNaw Say Wah teaching Sunday School kids
Last June, we sent Bro. David Tun Win and his wife Naw Say Wah to Kyaingtung, Shan State, to do evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. They have three children. Bro. David and his wife are praying and reaching neighbors with the Gospel at the same time they make friendship with people in the community. They just started worship service on Sunday since last July, 2016. His wife Naw Say Wah teaches Sunday School kids on Sunday. There are about 30 kids who usually attend Sunday School program. Please pray for church growth, and the continuous effectiveness of the Gospel Outreach Ministry. Thanks!
Mission Works in Mandalay:
We sent bro. Tin Htay as missionary to Mandalay in March 2014. The Lord wonderfully blessed his Gospel outreach ministry that some non-Christians heard the Gospel through him and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Worship service on Sunday was started with a few new converts on the first Sunday of last April, 2016. Below are descriptions of the following photos:
Mrs. Khin Htet Htet Thu (21 years old) who is a new convert from non-Christian background is sharing about how she heard about the Gospel and accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior and Lord at Sunday worship service.Ms. Aye Myat Mon (20 years old) who is also a new convert from a non-Christian background sharing about her testimony.Bro. Ko Zin is also a new convert from a non-Christian background. He is also sharing about how he got saved and now he has the assurance of Salvation (1 John 5:11-13).
Please give thanks with us:
1) For the Lord’s protection and provisions for the real needs of the teaching/equipping ministry of SEABC
2) For the new converts who have become eternal worshippers of the Living God (John 4:23).
3) For SEABC’s friends/partners those who pray and financially support for SEABC, and for those who came
to Myanmar and encouraged us and taught the Word of God (and English) at SEABC in the past 14 years.
Prayer Requests:
1) Please pray for the Lord’s continuous protection, provisions and the effectiveness of the teaching/equipping
ministry of SEABC.
2) Please pray for the alumni of SEABC especially who are doing Evangelism, Discipleship and Church
planting in different places in Myanmar and some other countries.
3) Please pray with us for the Evangelistic Meeting to be held in Mandalay in October, 2016 and in Yangon on
November 18-20, 2016 that many lost souls will come to Christ by hearing the Salvation message and
accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. The main Gospel preacher will be Franklin Graham
from BGEA, USA.
Thank you so much.
I am sending you more reports on Sunday School Teachers Training and Summer Children Camp in Myanmar.
Sunday School Teachers Training:
The Sunday School Teachers Training was held at Mercy Baptist Church, Tahan, Kale town, Sagaing Division from April 25th to 27th 2016. The training was attended by 63 people from different churches. By the grace of God, most of the trainees came to realize that the true value of each child and have great love and burden for the children. They dedicated their life to the Lord to be mightily used by God in reaching millions of children especially in the Buddhist Land of Myanmar and around the world. Sister Mary Man Lam Nel and her group from Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) and two students from SEA Bible College led the training.
Sister Mary ML Neel (CEF) teaching at Sunday School Teachers’ trainingSunday School Teachers’ Training at Mercy Baptist Church, Kale
Summer Children Camp:
This Camp was conducted in Hakha, Chin State, from April 27th – 29th, 2016. The Camp was attended by over 80 children. Sister Par Kai and friends from Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) and a student (lady) of SEA Bible College powerfully and effectively taught the Word of God to the Campers. By the grace of God, some of them (the Lord knows the exact number) accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Thank you Lord for your salvation.
Flood and landslide refugees in HakhaGiving small help to to refugees (kids) in Hakha
Thank you very much for your continuous prayers and partnerships.
I am sending a ministry report of Sister Hte Le Phaw, who is an alumni of SEA Bible College. She and her husband are missionaries at Kyauksuh village, Kayah State, Myanmar.
By the grace of God, my husband and I continue reaching our neighbors, villagers and some other people from different villages. We small group believers usually have worship service at my house every Sunday, and I teach Sunday School before worship service. As the Lord faithfully answered our prayers, some Alumni of SEA Bible College such as Ms. June Rose, Esther Lwin, brother Nay Lin Aung and I conducted Summer Children Camp at 15 Lan-song village from March 3 – 5, 2016. The camp was attended by 22 children. We taught them about David, Jonathan, Salvation, etc. By God’s grace, 14 children clearly understood the Gospel that they are sinners and Jesus died on the cross for each one of them and the shedding blood of Jesus Christ washed their sins away. They accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord! Praise the Lord!
Then we conducted another Summer Children Camp at Kyauksuh where I am doing evangelism and church planting. The camp was held from March 7 – 9, 2016 and 64 children attended the camp. By the grace of God, 18 of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord during the camp.
House church at Kyauksuh villageSinging at Sunday worship service at Kyauksuh VillageSunday School kidsSummer Children Camp at 15 Lan-song VillagePlaying gamesSummer Children Camp at Kyauksuh VillageSister Hte Le Phaw teaching at summer children campSinging action songs
Prayer Requests:
Please pray for:
1) The spiritual growth of thiose new believers (kids)
2) The other children who do not have the assureance of Salvation
3) That the Lord will provide funds needed for Sunday School Christmas Camps and Summer Children Camps in the future.
Bro. Kap teaching on 20/20 vision from 1 Corinthians 5:9-21
As we have Bible students from over 28 different ethnic groups from different evangelical churches in Myanmar, I had the wonderful opportunity of teaching and preaching the Word of God at the Christian Leaders Retreat held by the Rawang Baptist Convention (Evangelical) in Putao, Kachin State from January 8th through the 13th, 2016. The retreat was attended by over 120 Christian Leaders (full time pastors, missionaries, Sunday School teachers, women leaders, etc.). The theme of the retreat was “…and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.” (Rev. 3:18).
Christian Leaders Retreat in Putao, Kachin StateDr. Do Suan Mung is teaching on “Christian Leaders and Prayer”Kap, Mung and all Christian leaders who attended the Christian Leaders Retreat
Evening Worship Service:
Women leaders singing the action song
There was a worship service every evening from 6:30pm – 8:30pm. Some other people from the town of Putao attended the service. Dr. Mung from Faith Baptist Theological Seminary, Yangon and I preached the Word of God at the service. Different groups from Rawang Baptist Convention joyfully sang very beautiful and sweat songs and action songs in different languages such as Jingphaw, Rawang, Lisu, Burmese, etc.
More people singing the action song
Having lunch
Brother Kap and two brothers sitting by a fire (Putao, Kachin State)
The weather was very cold (4 C), windy, but no snow. I am wearing a jacket which I got from a believer in Chicago back in 1996 when I studied there.
Additional Updates
All Rawang people will celebrate Manaw Festival in April, 2016 at this place
Below is a picture of a man who is reaching Tibetans with the gospel. Very few Tibetans are living at the foothill of Hkakaburari Mountain, Kachin State, Myanmar.
A brother who is reaching Tibetans with the gospel
#5. Report from Bro. Tial Tawng (South Dagon, Yangon Division):
By the grace of God, I had the wonderful privilege of teaching the Salvation to some young people between October 28th and 29th, 2015. Three of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Praise the Lord!
Brother Tial Thawng and the young people (left) Three young people who are accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord (right)
Christmas Gospel Meeting:
We held a Christmas Gospel meeting on December 25th, 2015. The meeting was attended by about 200 people and most of them were non-Christians. I preached the Christmas story and the Salvation message. I pray and hope the seed of the Word of God has been sown in many hearts of the hearers. Let’s pray together that those hearers of the Gospel will come to faith in Jesus Christ for their eternal salvation.
Young ladies singing Christmas action song (left)
Children Christmas:
Christmas celebration for children (mostly Buddhist children)
We had a Christmas Celebration especially for children on December 24th, 2015. Most of them were Buddhist kids. Sister Thwe Thwe San (Alumni of SEABC) shared about the Christmas story, the love of God and Salvation to those lovely kids. We gave Christmas presents to each kid. We are so thankful and grateful to our Lord for providing all the needs for this program.
Prayer Requests:
1) For the spiritual growth of those three new converts;
2) For the effectiveness of the Gospel outreach and church planting
we are doing.
#6. Report from Sister Hte Le Phaw (Kyauksuh, Kaya State):
Gospel Meeting for Children:
Sister June Rose (alumni of SEABC) and I conducted a Gospel Meeting for children at Kyauk-suh village, Kayah State on December 7th, 2015. We shared about the history of Christmas to the children. Jesus Christ left His throne in heaven and came down to the sinful world to take a human form and solve the problem of sin for all the peoples of the world (Rom. 5:12-14., 3:10, 19., 6:23., John 19:30).
Sister The Le Phaw and Ms. June Rose with the children at Kyuksuh Village
Worship Service:
We usually have worship service every Sunday in a small house where my family lives. I used to visit our neighbors and villagers, share about the Gospel and pray for them. Many more villagers and neighbors are interested in the love of God and His Salvation. Please continue to pray for the salvation of the villagers who are animists, nominal Christians and Roman Catholics.
#7. Report from Bro. Bo Mana Ling (Mindat, Southern
Chin State):
The Lord wonderfully blessed the personal evangelism I have been doing in Eastside of Mindat town. Four young people (3 young men & one young lady) heard the Gospel through me and two of them accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Two of them named Mr. Ypung Len and Mr. Moe Lyn took Water Baptism on December 5th, 2015.
Gospel Trips:
I had Gospel trips to some villages and had the opportunity of preaching the Gospel. Many people in those areas need to hear the pure Gospel message. Most of them believe that salvation is received through good works or by faith in Christ and good works. Actually, the Bible says that we are not saved by good works but by grace alone to do good works (Eph. 2:8-9).
Prayer Requests:
1) For the spiritual growth of those two new converts;
2) For the effectiveness of doing Gospel outreach;
3) For the Lord’s protection when we start worship service at my rental house;
4) Health for my wife and my daughter.
Mr. Bu Mana Ling teaching the Word of God
#8. Report from Bro. Thang Suan Khai (Kyaiklatt, Delta Area):
Christmas Gospel Meeting:
Seven students from Southeast Asia Bible College, brother Kap Do Nang from Pyapon and I (Brother Khai) conducted a Christmas Celebration and Gospel Meeting in Kyaiklatt on December 12th, 2015. Most of the audience were Buddhists. The Bible students sang Christmas hymns and taught Christmas stories to the children. I led the meeting, a Bible student named Nanda Lin shared about his testimony and brother Kap Do Nang preached the Gospel. After the Gospel meeting, we all had lunch fellowship together. Please pray for the salvation of those Buddhists.
Personal Evangelism and Distributing Gospel Tracts:
As the Lord opens ways for me, I reached some non-Christians with the Gospel and distributed Gospel tracts to many more people in the town. Humanly speaking, it is indeed difficult to win non-Christians (type – B) for Christ. But, we know Salvation is of the Lord and faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Please pray with me for those non-Christians that they may know the Living God who is the Creator and believe Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.
Prayer Requests:
1) For the great Gospel revival in this town Kyaiklatt and in all of Myanmar;
2) That the Lord will provide a motorcycle I indeed need for the Lord’s work.
Thank you so much for your partnership in the Lord’s Kingdom ministry.
Report from Brother Peter Mana Phay (Maeyan Village, Tachilaik Township, Shan State):
Gospel Outreach:
The Lord opened doors for me to reach some people with the Gospel. Two ladies (Shan people) were very interested in the Salvation message. So, I had a privilege of sharing/teaching about the gospel to those two ladies for three days in last October. By hearing the gospel, both of them came to realize that they are sinners by birth; they are sinners not because of committing sins but they commit sins because they are already sinners (Ps. 51:5., Rom. 5:12-14), the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23). After clearly understanding that Jesus Christ died for their sins on the cross and rose again on the third day, both of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord (John 1:12-13).
Two girls accepted Jesus as their personal Savior.
The Lord also opened a way for me to reach a family (Shan people) with the Gospel in last October and a man and a woman accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. See below.
A man and woman accepted Jesus as their personal Savior.
Christmas Gospel Meeting for Pre-school Kids:
The Lord provided some funds for this Gospel Meeting through WorldServe. We held the Gospel meeting at Maeyang village on Dec. 4th, 2015. The kids, their parents and relatives who are non-Christians attended the meeting. By God’s grace, all of them heard the Gospel. Bro. Peter Mana Phay preaching the Gospel with the Interpreter (See below).
Brother Peter Mana Phay preaching the Gospel with the interpreterPre-school kids singing Christmas songs
Please give thanks for:
1) The 4 new converts in Christ;
2) The Lord’s guidance and provisions.
Prayer Requests:
1) For the effectiveness of doing Gospel Outreach and Church Planting ministry;
2) For the spiritual growth of those four new converts;
3) For the salvation of those pre-school kids and their parents.
Happy New Year! I am sending ministry reports of SEABC Alumni who are doing Evangelism and Church planting in different places in Myanmar. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support for the equipping and training ministry of Southeast Asia Bible College.
Report from Bro. Zaw Boung (Shwepyethar, Yangon Division):
We had a Gospel Meeting in Shwepyethar from November 15th to November 22nd, 2015. We had a teaching session in the day time. The meeting was attended by 24 people. By the work of the Holy Spirit, 16 of those people accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord and took believer’s water baptism on November 22nd, 2015. Below is Brother Zaw Boung baptizing the new converts.
Personal Evangelism:
Brother Zaw Boung sharing the gospel
Brother Zaw Boung usually does the personal evangelism. He had a wonderful privilege to share the gospel to Mr. Aye Maung (who is 40 years old) in October, 2015. After understanding he is a sinner by birth and cannot do good things all the time, he accepted Jesus Christ, who paid the wages of his sin on the cross and rose again on third day, as his personal Savior and Lord on October 21st, 2015. (Photo – Right the corner)
Give thanks for:
1) The new converts
2) Myanmar Bibles which the Lord provided for believers who do not have bibles
Prayer Requests:
1) Please pray with us for the spiritual growth of those 16 new converts.
2) Please pray for the effectiveness of the Gospel Outreach ministry and
church planting.
3) Please pray that the Lord will provide a worship place (church building).
Gospel Meeting & Sunday School Christmas:
The gospel meeting and Children Christmas were both held at Mee-thwechauk village, Delta area on December 20th, 2015. By the grace of God, many of them listened to the Christmas message (the Gospel). Please continue to pray for the salvation of those people, who are Buddhists.
Children Christmas at Mee-thwee-chauk village, Delta area (December 20, 2015)
The students at Southeast Asia Bible College have been going through the book of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John of the Bible, and have been doing student gospel outreach. Here is a glimpse into the student body of SEABC and what they have been doing to serve Christ!
The SEABC student body is divided into four groups such as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John:
Matthew GroupMark GroupLuke GroupJohn Group
SEABC students doing Student Gospel Outreach ministry every weekend:
Students are diligently doing student gospel outreach and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to many! All praise to Him! Please keep our gospel outreach ministry in your prayers.
Distributing Gospel tracts at Yangon Seaport
Students Doing Gospel Outreach at a Children’s Home:
Gospel outreach at a children’s home in Shwepyethar
Students Distributing Bibles to People in Need:
By God’s grace, we give/distribute/sell Bibles and some Christian books to believers/new converts who are in need.
Brother Pau Sian Mang from Tonzan
Thank you very much for your continued prayers and partnerships.
By God’s grace, Mr. Grahame Kerr and three sisters (Christian School teachers) from Australia conducted the Effective Learning and Teaching Serious training at Southeast Asia Bible College from December 31, 2014 to January 11, 2015. The training was attended by 56 people from different parts of Myanmar. Most of them were University graduates. All of the lessons taught are based on Christ Centered Education. The three teachers (three sisters) are so effective and powerful in their teaching. All of the trainees are tremendously blessed by learning the lessons from those three teachers.
Mr. Grahame sharing about the future plan and ELTS training
Future Plan and Prayer Requests
Effective Learning and Teaching Serious Class (January 2, 2015)
Mr. Grahame and his co-workers (Transform the Nations) plan to found Private Schools (Christ Centered Education) in Yangon. Mr. Grahame is also sharing about the future plan and ELTS Training in other places (towns and villages) in Myanmar. We are so glad and thankful to our Lord for this plan. We Myanmar people really need good education. All foreign missionaries left Myanmar in 1964 (the latest was 1966). Ever since then, no mission school in Myanmar or educational system was changed and became very poor. Myanmar has become especially poor in their English skills (comprehension, speaking, and writing skills). We believe and hope that many children in Myanmar will receive good education through these schools and will have bright futures. Good education will also help the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray with us for Mr. Grahame and his co-workers. Please also pray that the Lord will give them wisdom and provide all of their real needs so that they (we) will be able to start private schools in Yangon and other places in Effective Learning & Teaching Serious Class (Jan. 2, 2015) Myanmar. To God be the glory!
Christian Life Training
This training was held at Hebron Assembly on February 12, 2015. The training was attended by 58 believers. The four pastors/elders taught different topics as follows:
1) Ronnie Tin Maung Tun – The Evidences of God’s Presence 2) Cin Suan Nang – Universal Church & Local Church 3) Khay Kyaing – Breaking of Bread (Communion Service) 4) Kap Cin Thang – Personal Evangelism (Matt. 28:19., 1 Tim. 2:4., Heb. 2:3., Rom. 10:14, 15)
Note from Kap:- If you can call someone (your relative, family member or friend, etc.) who is now in Hell, talking with him/her through your cell phone, do you know what will he say to you? Please think about what the rich man who is in Hell said (Luke 16:19-31).
New Life Training
This training was held at Hebron Assembly on the same day (Feb. 12, 2015). There are about 50 people in this training (Gospel meeting). Bro. Saw Le Moe clearly and thoroughly taught them about human nature (sin nature), the holiness of God, the Judgment of God (Rom. 6:23) and the salvation message/the finished work of Christ on the Cross (John 3:16., 19:30., 1 John 1:7., Eph. 2:8, etc.). By the work of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God, 46 of them realized that they all are sinners by birth, cannot get saved by good works and by water baptism, etc, but they can get saved by believing Jesus Christ as his or her personal Savior and Lord (Eph. 2:8., John 1:12, 13). Then they (the 46) accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. They all are so happy. One of them (a woman) said that she was a shame because she had been attending the church for many years, but just now she has clearly understood salvation and has accepted Jesus Christ.
Thank you so much for your prayers and partnership.