Praying Partners #51 (I)

Praying Partners #51 (I)

Dear Praying Partners,

We conducted a Bible teaching class especially for 17 Sunday School Children at Hmawbi from February 8-13, 2016. Those 17 boys and girls had been greatly encouraged and challenged to trust the Lord and to be faithful followers of Christ.
Special training for 17 children in Hmawbi
Special training for 17 children in Hmawbi

As the Lord answered our prayers, we could hold a Summer Children Camp in Hle-gu town, Pagu Division from March 25-26, 2016. Over 150 Children joyfully attended the Camp. By God’s grace, the camp went well and many children came to in Christ and dedicated their lives for the Lord. Praise the Lord!

Summer Sunday School camp in Hlegu
Summer Sunday School camp in Hlegu
 We held a Crusade at Lailenpi village, Matupi township, Southern Chin State from March 29 – April 3rd, 2016. The Crusade was attended by over 200 people. The Lord wonderfully blessed the Crusade that 17 people accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Hallelujah!
Brother Khai Thie preaching the gospel at Crusade
Brother Khai Thie preaching the gospel at Crusade

Believers’ Retreat was held at Lyong-mang village, Matupi township, Southern Chin State from April 18-24, 2016. I had the wonderful privilege of teaching on “How to Study the Bible and the Second Coming of Christ (Rapture)”. All believers were tremendously blessed and encouraged by attending the Retreat. To God be the glory!

Lunch fellowship
Lunch fellowship
Prayer Requests:
Please pray for:
1) The spiritual growth of those new converts
2) Follow up work for those new converts and other believers
3) The continuous Gospel revival in the Buddhist Land of Myanmar.

Thank you very much for your continuous prayers for the teaching/equipping ministry of SEA Bible College and the Gospel Outreach ministry we are doing in the Buddhist Land of Myanmar.

Serving together for Christ,

Kap (Kap Cin Thang)


Praying Partners #51 (C)

Praying Partners #51 (C)
Dear Praying Partners,

By God’s grace, three SEABC alumni named Ms. Sum Thong, Mrs. Paw Lay, and Bro. Nar Haw (Mrs. Paw Lay’s husband), and two sisters and a brother held Summer Bible Camp at Phawngsai village, Khamti township, Sagaing Division from April 12-16, 2016. The Camp was joyfully attended by 92 Children and youth. Out of those 92 children and youth, 50 of them clearly understood the Salvation message they had heard during the Camp and accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. Praise the Lord!

The Lord graciously provided the needed funds for the expenses of the Camp through believers who have great love and passion for the lost souls and children in the Buddhist Land of Myanmar.
To God be the glory!

Learn more about summer bible camp at South East Asia Bible College.
Summer Bible Camp (kids under 5 years)
Summer Bible Camp (kids between 5 and 12 years old)
Summer Bible Camp (kids between 5 and 12 years old)
Summer Bible Camp (kids over 12 years of age)
Summer Bible Camp (kids over 12 years of age)
Lunch fellowship
Lunch fellowship


Brother Nar Haw and Sunday School teachers
Brother Nar Haw and Sunday School teachers
Prayer requests:

1) spiritual growth for those 50 new converts

2) for the salvation of those children who could not make the decision to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord

3) for the growth of the church

4) for the students (some orphans and very poor children) who are living with Nar Haw and will continue their study at public school in Khamti town

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and financial support for SEA Bible College where we train and equip young believers to be faithful followers of Christ and to do His Great Commission (Matt. 28:19., Heb. 2:3., 1 Tim. 2:4).

Serving together for Christ,

Kap (Kap Cin Thang)
Yangon, Myanmar