Dear Praying Partners,
I am sending more ministry reports. Thank you very much for reading the reports.
Summer Bible Camp:
Summer Bible Camp was held in Saw, Magwe Division from March 22-24, 2016. The camp was attended by 30 young adults. Brother Kyaw Niang Oo (SEABC Alumni & Church planter) preached and taught the Gospel and around five of them responded to the Gospel. However, they still need our prayers for their spiritual growth.
Summer Youth Camp:
Summer Bible Camp:
This camp was held in Matupi, Shouthern Chin State from April 19-24, 2016. Over 20 people attended the Camp. By the work of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Gospel, six of them came to faith in Christ and took water baptism on April 24th,2016 Sunday morning.
Prayer Requests:
Please pray for:
1) The spiritual growth of those six new converts
2) The salvation of many other nominal Christian in Matupi
3) The continuous effectiveness of doing Evangelism and Church planting in Chanpyan village and its areas.
In His Kingdom Ministry,